Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Left's Modern Britain: Multiculturalism Only applies to... Whites

(Birmingham) Now, before I go on, I must point out I am not white, but rather brown.

In the UK, for many a year, multiculturalism has been promoted as the only way to go, and I agree with that. Yet, the left of centre have used that adage in which to promote their version of the world at the expense of common sense.

For example, while female genital mutilation has been illegal in the UK for 29 years, not one prosecution has yet taken place. Yet around 137,000 females in the UK are purported to be recent victims of this vile practice. We all know that this vile act is carried out predominately by Muslims, yet nobody dares admit to that salient fact.

Honour killings, forced marriages, religious bigotry are other examples of how the intolerance woven into the DNA of Islam and are excused by the left in their attempt to make us all accept the barbaric mores of Islam, usually by playing the race card to anybody who questions any of the above. Yet when it is Muslims who object to the state enforcing multiculturalism on them and they refuse, nothing is said.

Which is why at Welford primary in Birmingham, when Jamie Barry, the head teacher, tried to improve diversity and inclusiveness at the school (where all the pupils are from ethnic minorities), 6 police cars had to be sent when a large group of parents turned up during school hours and objected to their children being taught that everybody in the world is equal be they black, white, pink, male, female or homosexual.

Gee, I wonder just what faith these enlightened people come from. Well, put it this way, the school in question was one of those targeted by intolerant Islamic bigots for takeover in the recent 'Trojan horse' incident.